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* No refunds are given at any time on deposits, ads, or payments
* If an event is rescheduled for any unforeseen circumstance all payments will forward to the new date
* Any deposits or fees paid towards your entry are non transferrable to another contestant
* If for any reason an event is changed to a new date, the original age division will remain (e.g. If you're in Little Miss on the original date, you would also be in Little Miss for the new date regardless if there was a birthday between event dates).
* Any photos submitted to the state and national offices may be used in future advertisings, including social media. By submitting these photos you agree that you have the copyright to these photos and give permission fo AmeriFest to use these photos for pageant promotional purposes.
* At NO time does AmeriFest share your personal contact information with any third party. We protect your contact information.
* All pageant judges decisions are final and shall be respected.
* Any poor sportsmanship of ANY kind will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification including any titles won or prizes awarded.
* All queens must attend the following year to give up their title.

© 2024 AmeriFest National Pageants/ Dianne Turner/ Courtney McCubbin - All images courtesy of Cook Studio

Pageant proud
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